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*Zero Brand Jacketed Pistol Bullets*
*Zero Brand Swaged Lead Bullets*
Zero Brand Loaded Ammunition
   38 Special Caliber Loaded Ammunition
   45 ACP Caliber Loaded Ammunition
   9 MM Caliber Loaded Ammunition
Miscellaneous Supplies
Brass Information

IF YOU WANT TO SEND IN YOUR BRASS TO GET EXCHANGE PRICING...Call or email us for an authorization number. We have brass that comes in with no name or address on it.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE That we do NOT reload the exact brass you send in for exchange.
What we offer is an EXCHANGE BRASS PROGRAM where we give you credit for the brass.

<<<<<<< Please click on your caliber to the left or shop from these available options below

Zero Brand Loaded Ammunition

38 Special 148 GR WCHB, $ Per 50, RELOAD
Code: R608-A
Price: $16.05
Quantity available to order: 100
Quantity in Basket: none

38 Special 148 GR WCHB, $ Per 500, RELOAD
Code: R608-B
Price: $147.25
Quantity available to order: 60
Quantity in Basket: none

38 Special 148 GR WCHB, $ Per 1000, RELOAD
Code: R608-C
Price: $282.10
Quantity available to order: 29
Quantity in Basket: none

357 Mag 158 Gr SWC Reloads per 50
Code: R520-A
Price: $17.40
Quantity available to order: 10
Quantity in Basket: none

357 Mag 158 Gr SWC Reloads per 500
Code: R520-B
Price: $159.45
Quantity available to order: 2
Quantity in Basket: none

  38 Special 125 GR JHP NON+P, $ Per 50, RELOAD
Code: R605NP-A
Price: $19.40
Quantity available to order: 7
Quantity in Basket: none

  38 Special 125 GR JHP NON+P, $ Per 500, RELOAD
Code: R605NP-B
Price: $177.95
Sorry, we are currently sold out of '38 Special 125 GR JHP NON+P, $ Per 500, RELOAD'. Please check back later.
Quantity in Basket: none

38 Special 148 Gr WCHB NEW, $ Per 50
Code: R607M-A
Price: $22.35
Quantity available to order: 31
Quantity in Basket: none

38 Special 148 Gr WCHB NEW, $ Per 500
Code: R607M-B
Price: $206.25
Quantity available to order: 12
Quantity in Basket: none

38 Special 148 Gr WCHB NEW, $ Per 1000
Code: R607M-C
Price: $396.30
Quantity available to order: 16
Quantity in Basket: none


All items Copyright © Roze Distribution, Inc.