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*Zero Brand Jacketed Pistol Bullets*
   380 CALIBER (.355 DIAMETER)
   9MM (.355 DIAMETER)
   38 SUPER (.356 DIAMETER)
   45 ACP (.451 DIAMETER)
   40 S & W CALIBER (.400 DIAMETER)
   44 Magnum (.431 diameter)
*Zero Brand Swaged Lead Bullets*
Zero Brand Loaded Ammunition
Miscellaneous Supplies
Brass Information



9MM (.355) Diameter) - 115 GR JHP $ per 1000
Code: R125-A
Price: $140.50
Quantity available to order: 49
Quantity in Basket: none

9MM (.355) Diameter) - 115 GR JHP, 2,000 to 9,999
Code: R125-B
Price: $134.30
Quantity available to order: 40
Quantity in Basket: none

9mm (.355 Diameter) 115 gr JHP $ per 500
Code: R125-E
Price: $83.95
Quantity available to order: 49
Quantity in Basket: none

9MM (.355) Diameter) - 115 GR JHP, $ per 250
Code: R125-F
Price: $52.00
Quantity available to order: 50
Quantity in Basket: none

9MM (.355) Diameter) - 115 GR JHP, $ per 100
Code: R125-G
Price: $32.00
Quantity available to order: 100
Quantity in Basket: none

9MM (.355) Diameter) - 115 GR FMJ $ per 1000
Code: R126-A
Price: $134.10
Quantity available to order: 45
Quantity in Basket: none

9MM (.355) Diameter) - 115 GR FMJ, 2,000 to 9,999
Code: R126-B
Price: $127.90
Quantity available to order: 42
Quantity in Basket: none

9MM (.355 Diameter) 115 gr FMJ $ per 500
Code: R126-E
Price: $79.35
Quantity available to order: 60
Quantity in Basket: none

9MM (.355) Diameter) - 115 GR FMJ, $ per 250
Code: R126-F
Price: $51.00
Quantity available to order: 100
Quantity in Basket: none

9MM (.355) Diameter) - 115 GR FMJ, $ per 100
Code: R126-G
Price: $31.00
Quantity available to order: 100
Quantity in Basket: none


All items Copyright © Roze Distribution, Inc.